LIBERTY, MO – Three Northland Center for Advanced Professional Studies (NCAPS) Engineering and
Advanced Manufacturing students have been selected to receive the Skilled Trades Development
Program scholarship through LMV Automotive Systems (LMV). Devin Allenbrand (Excelsior Springs High
School), Madison Prohaska (Kearney High School), and Meg Reinhardt (Smithville High School) have
been selected for this competitive opportunity.
As part of the Skilled Trades Development Program scholarship, LMV will fund tuition, books, and fees
for all three students to receive a technical certificate from Metropolitan Community College. During
their courses, the students will work part-time at LMV to immediately apply their knowledge to realworld
situations. Following completion of their degree, the students will work full-time for LMV in the
Skilled Trades Department. As a member of the Skilled Trades team, students will diagnose and fix issues
with the robots on the plant floor, as well as provide support to the welding and tooling teams. The
students will also be exposed to robotics controls.
Each student was selected through an application and interview process. These three students are
completing internships in manufacturing plants as part of their NCAPS experience to continue to gain
skills for this program. All three students share an enthusiasm for manufacturing technology, developing
solutions, and hands-on work.
We look forward to hearing about their continued success at LMV and congratulate them on this
tremendous achievement!