Board of Education Vacancy

Board of Education Vacancy
Posted on 07/05/2022
ESSD40 Board Vacancy Announcement


300 W. Broadway Ave.

Excelsior Springs, MO 64024
816-630-9200 ext. 1115 /

The Excelsior Springs Board of Education currently has a board vacancy with a term that will expire with the April 4, 2023 General Municipal Election. Applications are available online at and at the District office located at 300 W. Broadway Ave., Excelsior Springs.

The following timeline will be utilized for filling the vacancy.

  1. Applications will be accepted at the District office (Attn: Board Secretary) until end of business day (3:30 PM), Tuesday, July 12, 2022.

  2. Applications will be reviewed at the July 25, 2022 Board of Education work session at 5:30 PM at the District office.

  3. Interviews will be held at the August 8, 2022 regular meeting of the Board of Education and a candidate will be appointed. The meeting will be held at 6:30 PM in the Boardroom located at the Support Services Center, 113 Line St., Excelsior Springs.

  4. The new school board member will be sworn in at the September 12, 2022 regular meeting of the Board of Education. The meeting will be held at 6:30 PM in the Boardroom located at the Support Services Center.

Contact the Board Secretary, Lisa Shelton, at [email protected] or at 816-630- 9200 ext. 1115 with additional questions.

You can find the Board of Education Application at the link below:

Board Vacancy Application.pdf